Snow Volleyball

Volleyball players in football shoes fight for historic Snow Volleyball European Tour podium


Article Sat, Mar 12 2016
Špindlerův Mlýn, Czech Republic, March 12, 2016. The year 2016 coincides with a historic milestone for Snow Volleyball since the first tournament officially sanctioned by the CEV got started on Saturday in the Czech Republic before two more events follow in Austria and Italy later this month.

Four Snow Volleyball courts have been set up right at the bottom of Svatý Petr lift station in Špindlerův Mlýn, the most popular ski resort in the Czech mountains. The size of the court is the same as for Beach Volleyball, only the outfits worn by the players are slightly different… The usual bikinis are indeed replaced with warm clothes and football shoes are ‘a must have’ for all players entering the tournament.  

The qualification round played on Saturday before the stunning mountains of the Czech Republic provided for an absolutely amazing and thrilling experience! 25 men’s and 14 women’s teams came together early in the morning to receive their playing shirts and meet with their opponents. At the end of a long and absolutely breath-taking day with many tight matches eight men’s and four women’s teams qualified for the final day of competition to fight for the fictional title of “Kings of the snow” and “Queens of the snow”, respectively.  

The draw for the final stage of the tournament which is set to follow on Sunday, March 13 shaped up the following groups:

Men - Group A

A1 – Andrys/Andrys (POL)
A2 – Polasek/Gyurovszky (CZE)
A3 – Pala/Myslivecek (CZE)
A4 – Lenc/Kufa (CZE)

Men – Group B

B1 – Nalborski/Sdebel (POL)
B2 – Klimas/Ciula (POL)
B3 – Kufa/Matyja (CZE/POL)
B4 – Karsky/Reismüller (CZE)


W1 – Cicolari/Toti (ITA)
W2 – Wardak/Stepien (POL)
W3 – Jurenkova/Dudlova (CZE)
W4 – Poszmikova/Vojtiskova (SVK/CZE)

The fans are looking forward to the final day of competition and can’t wait to know who will win the first ever CEV Snow Volleyball European Tour medals!

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